Craig County Craig County Report Introduction 207K, about 30 seconds over 56K modem April- June '04 Quarterly Summary The Craig Technology Leadership Team (TLT) met every month during this quarter and continued to make great strides in getting residents involved in using and maintaining their newly built Electronic Village. On April 5, John Nichols Technology Manager at Virginia Tech and Bill Sanders, the incoming director of the Blacksburg Electronic Village (BEV), met with Larry Moore, the Craig County Administrator, to discuss the Technology Master Plan for Craig county. Jaime Shetrone, Project Coordinator and Bill Sanders attended the monthly TLT meeting on April 19. Discussion centered around the need to aggressively market the Web hosting services available at the Electronic Village Website. Since well designed sites could serve as examples for others , the owners of those sites might be willing to serve as mentors for individuals just getting started. The group concluded that residents wishing to utilize the Virtual Business Incubator and Community Connections packages required further training on Website development techniques. They agreed to schedule a training session at BEV's classroom facility for a small group of participants who would then assist others in the community to put up Web sites. The group also discussed the need to merge content from the now out-of-date Craig Rural Electronic Village site with the newly created Craig Electronic Village Website. Three participants received hands- on Website development training at BEV's classroom facility on May 12 during which, all participants created Web pages and got more comfortable with this process. In the May 17 TLT meeting in Craig High School in Newcastle, retired VCE agent Deborah Snead announced that it was now possible to use FTP and browse the Web at the Craig- Botetourt Electric Cooperative community meeting room. This would allow the TLT to facilitate Web development workshops there. The workshops were scheduled to begin in June as a free service to Craig County residents. TLT members volunteered their time as instructors for day and evening workshops. TLT members also completed the TOP Project Evaluation and discussed the possibility of putting a 'For Sale' forum on the Website. At Craig's request, BEV staff deployed a version of the 'For Sale' forum in time for the June 14 TLT meeting. Carol Cornish and Kevin Inman from BEV attended the meeting to discuss and demo the forum. It was reported that several businesses in Craig county had contacted TLT members about registering for the Virtual Business Incubator package and the group reviewed business and community organization listings now in place. The TLT discussed its concerns about moderation of listings, curbing inappropriate behavior, and the possibility of allowing youth in the community to sell items in the forum. Todd Musselwhite, the appointed forum moderator, agreed to work with Inman for guidance on these issues. Inman discussed three options available to businesses and community organizations for obtaining a Web presence through BEV: one, to use the online content management tool currently under development ('The Wiki'); two, intern assistance in development of a one page 'billboard' Website; and three, the possibility of further training sessions for TLT members at BEV's classroom facility. Inman and Musselwhite met on June 18 at BEV to go over the TLT's concerns about the forum. Inman shared information about Craig's legal responsibilities under COPPA when allowing young people to submit information through the site and encouraged the TLT to create a comprehensive set of site policies, as well as acceptable use policies for the 'For Sale' forum. May 17, 2004 The Craig County TOP Team met on May 17, 2004, at the Craig County High School's Computer Technology Lab. Those attending included Todd Musselwhite, Bob Pillow, Adele Morris, Teresa Oliver, Gerry Groseclose, and Debbie Snead. Topics of discussion included: A review of accomplishments so far and a report on the workshops for web site development. Three people participated in the BEV workshop and with Bob Pillow, Todd Musselwhite, and BEV staff providing instruction. It was determined that additional workshops are essential in order to provide assistance to Craig residents in developing their sites. Debbie reported that she had spoken with Rob Stahl at Craig-Botetourt Electric Cooperative about the use of their facility for the workshops. The community meeting room has FTP (File Transfer Protocol), Telenet (for access to server), and Browser capabilities. All of these components are necessary for web site development and the meeting room was approved for the workshops by Rob Stahl and Gerry Groseclose. The workshops will be set up on a regular monthly basis (one day/one evening as previously done) following the June meeting. Adele Morris, Bob, and Todd offered to serve as instructors and were added to the TOP Leadership Team as Training Support Team. We are all appreciative to them for their dedication and support. The workshops entitled “Introduction to Front Page – Web Page Development” will be limited to five participants each and be free to Craig residents. Equipment is needed and the TLT is asked to help provide computers if available in their worksite. Debbie Snead shared two items of interest related to technology development. Mr. Rick Boucher has stated he is expecting to announce more technology-based jobs in southwest Virginia and is encouraging local governments to prepare for the “next generation” by having high speed Internet connections as important as water and sewer hook-ups. In addition, the May edition of Virginia Business magazine shows that 40% of employers in the Roanoke area are planning on hiring in 2004. Thus, the technology and job outlook is looking good for businesses and employees interested in technology education. Todd suggested that an additional tab on the “craigev” site be added for items for sale. The team thought this was a good idea and Adele will work with Jaime on setting it up. Todd agreed to take on the job as “Sales Administrator” in the Leadership Team. The last order of business was to complete the TOP Project Evaluation. The evaluation focused on the impact and sustainability of the Project. Team members present compiled their answers as a group response. Debbie is to send to Jaime. Members not in attendance are reminded to respond to their individual e-mail evaluations. With no further business, the Team meeting was adjourned until the next monthly meeting – Monday, June 14, 5:30 pm, in the school’s computer lab. April 19, 2004 The Craig County TOP Team met on April 19, 2004, at the Craig County High School’s Technology Lab. Those attending included Becky Barlow, Todd Musselwhite, Bob Pillow, Adele Morris, Bill Sanders, Jaime Shetrone, and Debbie Snead. The Team discussed the following issues:
The meeting was concluded by Dr. Sanders stating he had heard there were three things needed for effective growth: Technology, Talent, and Tolerance for Change. January - March '04 quarterly summary The Craig County Technology Leadership Team (TLT) met each month during this quarter -- January 19, February 16 and March 15, and made great strides in launching and publicizing the Craig Electronic Village (http://www.craig.bev.net). TLT members are continuing to build community participation in this project. The home page information and illustrative material providing an introduction to Craig County was developed in cooperation with the Craig Tourism Commission, providing an example of the economic partnerships that the TOP program was designed to encourage. At the January 19 TLT meeting, the team members discussed a community health workshop that they wished to schedule in February. P Gibson from Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) and C. Cornish from the Blacksburg Electronic Village (BEV) talked about the Virtual Business Incubator and Community Connections services to be offered in Craig County as part of this project. The team also identified members who would take on various responsibilities in maintaining and keeping the community network site updated. J. Nichols with Communications Network Services (CNS) of Virginia Tech briefed the team about the technology assessment he would be conducting in Craig County. At the February 16 TLT meeting, members were assigned to develop a master list of county businesses, churches, and community organizations who all received a letter from the TLT, describing the TOP program and the opportunity for nonprofit organizations and new and established businesses to establish a web presence. Included was an announcement of a workshop scheduled for March 15 in the Craig County School's Technology Laboratory at which time participants received important information on what a web site could do for their business or organization, learned what the Community Connections and Virtual Business Incubator are, and had the opportunity to complete the registration of their business or organization. Seventeen business owners and representatives of community organizations attended, and nine people successfully registered their units. All were invited to attend two follow-up community readiness workshops held on March 23 that focused on web site development. Offering two sessions at 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm enabled the students to receive more individual attention. To make the best possible use of both trainer and participant time, at the request of several TLT members, the BEV conducted an advanced training session on March 17 for those persons who have web skills and wished to assist others in building such skills. The Craig County TLT has also directed their attention to educational applications of the web and assisting citizens with using this information source appropriately. Prior to the February 16 TLT meeting a community workshop entitled Access to Electronic Health Information was presented under the sponsorship of BEV and The Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine(VCOM) with funding from the National Libraries of Medicine. Ten Craig residents participated and gained valuable background and skills on how to access reliable health information over the Internet. Community partners have been identified to assume responsibility for managing the on-going web activities at the local level, and two TLT members received training on February 10 in preparation for this work. A Directory Administrator, two Web Site Administrators, and two Calendar Managers are in place. Volunteers are still needed to serve in the positions of Business Registrar and Forum Managers. This group has been very effective in securing newspaper announcements of upcoming workshops and articles describing the project and its accomplishments. March 15, 2004 PRESENT: Frank Beum, Jaime Shetrone, Robert Roberts, Becky Barlow, Teresa Oliver, Deborah Scott, Dot Kincaid, Faye Powers, Adele Morris, Robert Pillow, Mary Catherine Slack, Pam Gibson, and Debbie Snead Agenda items for the meeting were discussed as follows:
February 16, 2004 The Craig County Community TOP Team began its monthly meeting by sponsoring a workshop for the community entitled “Access to Electronic Health Information.” The program was sponsored by BEV and the VA College of Osteopathic Medicine with funding from the National Libraries of Medicine. Ten Craig residents participated and gained valuable information and skills on how to access reliable health information over the Internet. The workshop was the first in a series of programs offered by the Craig TLT. The TLT Meeting was held immediately following the workshop. Those present included Robert Roberts, Judith Greene, Becky Barlow, Teresa Oliver, Jeff Boudreaux, Frank Beum, Paul Paradzinski, Gary Greene, Faye Powers, Deborah Scott, and Debbie Snead. Agenda items for the meeting were discussed as follows:
October - December '03 quarterly summary The Craig County Technology Leadership Team (TLT) has a strong leadership group comprised of four members of the County Board of Supervisors, three additional County office holders, three educators including the superintendent of schools and a high school computer teacher, seven business owners/managers, three representatives of local civic and faith-based organizations, and seven high school 4-H members, among others. This has been especially important to their progress in this county, as three VCE agents assigned to this locality over the life of this project have retired or transferred, and the TLT has provided needed continuity. One local retired agent, D. Snead, who provided initial leadership to the program in Craig, has volunteered to coordinate continuing activity and has been organizing events related to this project in Craig County. Under her guidance, Craig TLT has been meeting monthly and additional content for the site is being accumulated on an ongoing basis. M. Mathai, Project Director and R. Roberts BEV Internet Technology Specialist met with the TLT on Oct 27th. R Roberts trained them on the use of the discussion forum and gave a brief overview of the Virtual Business Incubator and Community Connections services that were being offered as part of this project. R. Roberts and M. Mathai spoke at a Community Connections workshop, sponsored by the Craig TLT, held on December 1, 2003 in the Middle School Computer Lab. This workshop provided an opportunity for county residents to learn more about the project and see first hand what the community network has to offer. J. Nichols, IT Manager at Virginia Tech also attended this meeting and discussed the technology assessment and master plan effort that he is leading. Two county residents have agreed to share responsibility as the Web site administrator and two others will assist with the web community calendar. The TLT registered their domain name "craig.bev.net" (for Craig Electronic Village) during this quarter. They decided to register craigev.com and craigev.org to prevent “cyber squatting” of those domain names. December 4, 2003 The Craig County TLT has sent the following minutes of their December 1st TLT meeting. July - September '03 quarterly summary The Craig County TLT met monthly throughout the summer to prepare for the deployment of their community network in September. The July meeting was held in the high school computer laboratory, making it possible for J Shetrone, project coordinator and Robert Roberts from BEV to demonstrate the features of BEV in a BOX including the on-line directory, village mall, and methods of logging in. The group viewed several different home pages, discussed possible layouts, and selected specific tabs for their site. The draft site was developed based on these recommendations and was reviewed at the August TLT meeting. Members identified new content areas to be emphasized including recreation and tourism opportunities; churches; county and state government links such as the Department of Motor Vehicles; education including local public schools, nearby community colleges, and Virginia Tech; opportunities for youth; information about local utilities; and child care facilities and opportunities. It was suggested that the site post school closings and other local emergencies. Several members agreed to assume responsibility for developing content in specific areas. The final review of the web site was completed at the September meeting and the site went live on October 1, 2003. Michelle Adcock, the local 4-H agent, agreed to check into the coordination of the new Craig community site with an existing county site. A local webmaster has been appointed to oversee the site and approve new postings. The team will continue to meet monthly to assist BEV staff in organizing and seeking resources for community readiness workshops. It was announced that Ms. Adcock would be transferring to another county, effective in late September. Debbie Snead, the retired agent who initiated the TOP in Craig County and has continued to serve on the TLT, has agreed to manage the project for the grant period still remaining. The equipment (software and hardware) needed for running the Community Network in Craig County has been deployed and is fully operational. It has been tested by members of the project team and the Craig County technology leadership team. November 3, 2003 The Craig County TLT has sent the following minutes of their August 25th and September 29th TLT meetings. August 25th Meeting minutes September 3, 2003 The Craig County TLT has sent the following minutes of their July 14th TLT meeting. July 7, 2003 The Craig County TLT has sent the following minutes of their June 3rd TLT meeting. April - June '03 quarterly summary M. Adcock, the VCE agent in Craig County, R. Roberts, Internet Technology Specialist at the Blacksburg Electronic village, and J. Johnson, VCE Area Technology Specialist, participated in the Craig TLT meeting held on April 28. At this meeting the group discussed the project and the first phase of citizen training, Introduction to Community Networks, was completed. On June 2, M. Mathai, Project Director, R. Roberts M. Adcock, and J. Johnson, participated in a Craig TLT meeting. At this meeting M. Mathai answered questions raised by TLT members about the project. He also presented the TLT with an Introduction to Telecommunications Infrastructure at this meeting. Craig County recently carried out an intensive visioning process sponsored by the Canaan Valley Institute, a foundation based in Kentucky that assists rural communities with economic development and entrepreneurship. Advertisements on local radio stations and in the local newspaper announced open forums that attracted local government officials, educators, business owners, members from civic and faith-based organizations, and other interested citizens. A trained facilitator from the Center for Public Administration and Policy at Virginia Tech provided statistics and materials that defined the issues facing Craig County. Citizen groups examined and discussed the issues and identified priorities. Small break-out groups studied each priority and developed materials and goals to be included in the county comprehensive plan. In that this process parallels the Take Charge process implemented in our TOP counties, it was decided that the Craig TLT would update and expand the existing plan, rather than redoing the initial process. May 27, 2003 The Craig County TLT has sent the following minutes of their April 28th TLT meeting. May 16, 2003 The following Powerpoint presentation was presented by Jon Johnson at the April 28th TLT meeting. April 28, 2003 Here is the agenda for Craig County's April 28th TLT meeting:
January - March '03 quarterly summary We have experienced significant turn over in Craig County due to the recent budget cuts at Virginia Tech. The VCE agent, Michelle Adcock is a relatively new participant in this project. She and the VCE Area Specialist, Jon Johnson have spoken over the telephone concerning activities in Craig relevant to this project. Michelle is recruiting new members while keeping past participants informed. October - December '02 quarterly summary Mr. Roy Kiser, the agent responsible for activities pertaining to the TOP grant in Craig county has retired. Ms. Michelle Adcock, the new agent spearheading the TOP activities in Craig county has primary responsibility for the 4-H and after school youth programs in that location. Though the transition has caused a delay in the activities pertaining to this grant in Craig county, this presents us with a unique opportunity to recruit youth for participation in the community Take Charge process and to encourage representation of youth organizations on the community web site. July - September '02 quarterly summary Craig County is in the process of recruiting their Technology Leadership Team.
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