TOP - Technology Opportunities Program


 Grant Outcomes




 BEV in a Box

 Take Charge


 Quarterly Reports



Grant outcomes

This program will systematically address many of the needs of rural Virginia communities. Each community will come up with its own outcomes as part of the Take Charge process. Some suggested outcomes are:

  • Increased attendance at public meetings on key community issues by 15% per year

  • A technology plan for each community with measurable milestones that directly address at least four serious social and/or economic issues identified by the community itself

  • Increased Internet use in each community by 15% per year

  • A fully functional, community network using local community members to manage content

  • At least three new home-based and small business startups in each community each year

  • At least six civic groups and organizations online in each community each year

  • An Information Technology Master Plan for each community

  • Permanent increased capacity in each community to use technology and the Take Charge planning process to address community needs well beyond the end of the grant period.

  • Identification of and planning for regional technology corridors linking multiple communities


Blacksburg Electronic Village Virginia Cooperative Extension