
TOP Project Final Report & Supplementary Materials

This website is based on the Final Public Report for Getting Rural Virginia Connected. The original document is available for download as a printable PDF.

A CD detailing the project is also available. This CD contains the project specific reports included in this section, as well as examples of training materials, publicity, presentations, and data used to assess which counties should be included in the project. This CD is available at no charge. Contact BEV to request your CD, or a copy of our popular Community Network Briefing Book, published in 2001.

County Reports

These reports were produced by Virginia Cooperative Extension personnel for each participating county.

TAMP Reports

Technology Assessment and Master Plan (TAMP) reports were prepared by Virginia Tech staff for each participating county.

BEV Publications & Funded Research

BEV Research opens, which provides an overview of other funded research and publications by BEV.

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